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(340) 693-1338


St. Thomas


Center for Student Success


academic advising, block scheduling, registration, college success and retention, reading, teaching, developmental learning, study strategy and skill development


Ms. Julie Cruz is a Student Success Specialist/CSS Advisor serving the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) on the St. Thomas Campus. She is also responsible for advisement and academic counseling of CLASS freshman and sophomore students, CSS orientation and registration activities and involvement, block scheduling (AAS and STT campuses), FDS 100 classroom presentations pertaining to student success and resources, and co editing the CSS newsletter. She currently serves on the UVI Orientation Committee, Academic Advising Committee, and Middle States Commission of Higher Education (MSCHE) Steering Committee for Standard IV: Support of the Student Experience. Ms. Cruz believes that students should be exposed to a variety of opportunities and resources to truly have the full university experience.