The main goal of the Energy Management Office is to reduce the electrical consumption
of the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) and insure we meet the goal of 60% reduction
on the dependence on fossil fuels by 2015. This goal is accomplished by use of alternative
energy, upgrades to current systems, capital investment, and setting up protocols
and policies on how the University is going to use its energy.
Photovoltaic Project
One major initiative is the installation of the 3MW solar farm split between the St.
Thomas Campus and the Albert A. Sheen St. Croix campus. This project is to provide
50% of our electrical consumption from solar energy generation. The project is set
up as a power purchase agreement where a firm will install and maintain the system
over 20 years. UVI would pay the firm a cheaper rate for electricity than what was
paid to WAPA. At the end of the 20 years UVI has the option to buy the system. Below
are visual renderings of the photovoltaic farms on both campuses.
Figure 1: Rendering of St. Thomas Campus Layout |
Figure 2: Rendering of Albert A. Sheen Campus - St. Croix Layout |
Learn more about UVI's Photovoltaic Project:
Everyone at UVI plays a role in helping to reduce our energy consumption and the next
few topics include tips that not only can save UVI but can save money at your home.
- Turn off when not in use
- Use natural light when you can
- Use a desk light if you have one instead of overhead fluorescent lights
- Use energy efficient bulbs like compact fluorescent's or LED’s
- When leaving a room for more than 10 minutes turn lights off
- Please consider the environment before printing
- When you can, print double-sided
- Edit on screen not on paper
- Send and store documents electronically
- Designate a box for scrap paper and use this for printing drafts and other unofficial
- Use sleep mode on computer instead of screen savers
- Turn computer off after use, nights and weekends
- Turn off monitors when you go to meetings or lunch
- Set up energy savers in your personalization settings
- Don’t turn on units until you are ready to use them
- Set thermostats to 75 degrees
- Keep windows and doors closed if AC is on
- Use a fan instead of AC if possible
- Keep shades and blinds closed during the hottest part of the day if you do not need
the light
Additional Energy Related Sites
- – This site is dedicated to providing the USVI community with more information about
WAPA’s propane conversion. You will be able to find project details as well as Facts
vs. Myths statements.
- - The VI’s Energy Office website provides more information about what green initiatives
are happening in the USVI community.
- – The US Government also has a website dedicated to energy efficiency. Among other
things it provides information on low emission vehicles and alternative energy vehicles.
- – Another way to save energy is by purchasing Energy Star appliances. This link
displays a list of products as well as places these products can be purchased at.
- – Want to get more involved with recycling in the VI? Connect with the Virgin Islands
Recycling Partnership and see what you can do.