The objectives of Understanding Internal Controls are to:
Understanding Internal Controls applies to all University employees.
Definition of Internal Controls
The Committee on Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) defines internal controls as a process, affected by an entity's board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories:
The key concepts regarding this definition of internal controls are:
Responsibility for Internal Controls
Managers are responsible for "setting the tone at the top" and maintaining a culture
of compliance. As such, management is responsible for establishing appropriate policies
and procedures to ensure that a proper internal control framework is established and
Employees are responsible for carrying out their day-to-day responsibilities in accordance
with the approved policies and procedures to affect the proper implementation of internal
In addition, all employees are responsible for timely reporting breakdowns in internal
controls to their manager or the Office of Internal Audit.
Internal Audit is responsible for assisting management in their oversight and operating
responsibilities through independent audits and advisory services designed to evaluate
and promote the systems of internal control.
Internal Control Process
The internal control process consists of 5 interrelated components, as follows:
Control Environment
The control environment is the control consciousness of the University; it is the
atmosphere in which managers and employees conduct their activities and carry out
their control responsibilities. It encompasses the "tone at the top" of the University
and includes the management philosophy and operating style, culture of compliance,
and institutional values and ethics of the University.
Listed below are some tips to enhance the University's control environment. This list
is not all inclusive, nor will every item apply to every unit within the University.
But, as a starting point, managers should ensure that:
Risk Assessment
A risk assessment is the process used by the University to identify, rank, and mitigate the risks that inhibit the University from achieving its objectives. Within the framework of a risk assessment process there is risk identification, risk ranking, and risk mitigation.
Control Activities
Control activities are actions, supported by policies and procedures that, when properly, effectively, and timely carried out, manage or reduce risks. Control activities consist of preventive and detective controls.
Information and Communication
Information and communication are essential to effecting a proper internal control environment. Accordingly, the process to inform and communicate the University's plans, control environment, risks, control activities, and performance must be communicated up, down, and across the University. Reliable and relevant information from both internal and external sources must be identified, captured, processed, and communicated to the employees who need it--in a form and timeframe that is useful. Information systems produce reports, containing operational, financial, and compliance-related information that makes it possible to run and control the University.
When assessing internal control over a significant activity (or process), the key questions to ask about information and communication are as follows:
Monitoring is the assessment of internal control performance over time; it is accomplished by ongoing monitoring activities and by separate evaluations of internal control, such as self-assessments, peer reviews, and internal audits. The purpose of monitoring is to determine whether internal controls are adequately designed, properly executed, and effective. Internal controls are adequately designed and properly executed if all five internal control components (Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, and Monitoring) are present and functioning as designed. Internal controls are effective if management and interested stakeholders have reasonable assurance that:
UVI Audit Hotline: (340) 693-1576 E-mail: hotline@uvi.edu