UVI Wetlands Reserve Bird List
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A checklist of birds found at the UVI Wetlands, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands |
Grebes |
__pied-billed grebe | Podilymbus podiceps |
Tropicbirds | |
__white-tailed tropicbird * | Phaethon lepturus |
Boobies | |
__brown boobie | Sula leucogaster |
Pelicans | |
__brown pelican ** | Pelecanus occidentalis |
Frigatebirds | |
__magnificent frigatebird | Fregata magnificens |
Herons and Egrets | |
__great egret * | Casmerodius albus |
__snowy egret * | Egretta thula |
__cattle egret | Bubulcus ibis |
__great blue heron * | Ardea herodias |
__reddish egret | Egretta rufescens |
__tricolored heron | Egretta tricolor |
__little blue heron | Egretta caerulea |
__green-backed heron | Butorides striatus |
__black-crowned night-heron * | Nycticorax nycticorax |
__yellow-crowned night-heron | Nycticorax violaceus |
Ibises | |
__glossy ibis | Plegadis falcinellus |
Ducks, Geese and Swans | |
__mallard | Anas platyrhynchos |
__white-cheeked pintail * | Anas bahamensis |
__American wigeon | Anas americana |
__northern shoveler | Anas clypeata |
__blue-winged teal | Anas discors |
__cinnamon teal | Anas cyanoptera |
__green-winged teal | Anas crecca |
__greater scaup | Aythya marila |
__lesser scaup | Aythya affinis |
__Muscovy duck | Cairina moschata |
Hawks and Harriers | |
__red-tailed hawk | Buteo jamaicensis |
__osprey | Pandion haliaetus |
Falcons | |
__peregrine falcon ** | Falco peregrinus |
__merlin | Falco columbarius |
__American kestrel | Falco sparverius |
Rails, Gallinules and Coots | |
__sora rail | Porzana carolina |
__common moorhen | Gallinula chloropus |
__purple gallinule | Porphyrula martinica |
__American coot | Fulica americana |
__Caribbean coot * | Fulica caribaea |
Plovers | |
__black-bellied plover | Pluvialis squatarola |
__piping plover | Charadrius melodus |
__snowy plover * | Charadrius alexandrinus |
__semipalmated plover | Charadrius semipalmatus |
__Wilson's plover | Charadrius wilsonia |
__killdeer | Charadrius vociferus |
Oystercatchers | |
__American oystercatcher | Haematopus palliatus |
Stilts | |
__black-necked stilt | Himantopus mexicanus |
Turnstones, Snipes and Sandpipers | |
__whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus |
__greater yellowlegs | Tringa melanoleuca |
__lesser yellowlegs | Tringa flavipes |
__stilt sandpiper | Calidris himantopus |
__Hudsonian godwit | Limosa haemastica |
__willet * | Catoptrophorus semipalmatus |
__solitary sandpiper | Tringa solitaria |
__short-billed dowitcher | Actitis macularia |
__long-billed dowitcher | Limnodromus griseus |
Limnodromus scolopaceus | |
__common snipe | Gallinago gallinago |
__ruddy turnstone | Arenaria interpres |
__pectoral sandpiper | Calidris melanotos |
__red knot | Calidris canutus |
__sanderling | Calidris alba |
__white-rumped sandpiper | Calidris fuscicollis |
__Baird's sandpiper | Calidris bairdii |
__least sandpiper | Calidris minutilla |
__semipalmated sandpiper | Calidris pusilla |
__western sandpiper | Calidris mauri |
Gulls, Terns and Allies | |
__laughing gull | Larus atricilla |
__least tern * | Sterna antillarum |
__common tern | Sterna hirundo |
__roseate tern | Sterna dougallii |
__royal tern | Sterna maxima |
Pigeons and Doves | |
__zenaida dove | Zenaida aurita |
__white-crowned pigeon * | Columba leucocephala |
__scaly-naped pigeon | Columba squamosa |
__common ground-dove | Columbina passerina |
Cuckoos and Anis | |
__mangrove cuckoo | Coccyzus minor |
__yellow-billed cuckoo | Coccyzus americanus |
__smooth-billed ani | Crotophaga ani |
Goatsuckers | |
__chuck-will's-widow | Caprimulgus carolinensis |
Hummingbirds | |
__green-throated carib | Eulampis holosericeus |
__Antillean crested hummingbird | Orthoryncus cristatus |
Kingfishers | |
__belted kingfisher | Ceryle alcyon |
Tyrant Flycatchers | |
__gray kingbird | Tyrannus dominicensis |
__Caribbean elaenia | Elaenia martinica |
Swallows and Martins | |
__barn swallow | Hirundo rustica |
__bank swallow | Riparia riparia |
__northern rough-winged swallow | Stelgidopteryx serripennis |
__Caribbean martin | Progne dominicensis |
Mockingbirds and Thrashers | |
__northern mockingbird | Mimus polyglottos |
__pearly-eyed thrasher | Margarops fuscatus |
Vireos | |
__black-whiskered vireo | Vireo altiloquus |
Emberizids: Warblers, Blackbirds, Tanagers and Allies | |
__bananaquit | Coereba flaveola |
__black-and-white warbler | Mniotilta varia |
__prothonotary warbler | Protonotaria citrea |
__northern parula | Parula americana |
__yellow warbler | Dendroica petechia |
__blackpoll warbler | Dendroica striata |
__prairie warbler | Dendroica discolor |
__northern waterthrush | Seiurus noveboracensis |
__indigo bunting | Passerina cyanea |
__black-faced grassquit | Tiaris bicolor |
** denotes a federally endangered species * denotes a locally endangered species |