Academic Grievance: There is, in each academic division, a Grievance Committee to which a student has recourse. The committee consists of a faculty member and a student. All grievances must be submitted in writing. The student has the right to appeal from the Grievance Committee, to the Division Dean and through him/her, to the Provost.
Academic Probation, Suspension, Dismissal: Students are expected to remain in good academic standing. For those who do not, there is a three-step procedure which may lead to dismissal from the University if the student's academic performance does not improve. All full-time and part-time enrolled students are subject to these standards and procedures. Once a student has attempted 12 degree credits, these procedures become applicable.
Academic Probation: Academic probation is essentially a warning to the student to show scholastic improvement in order to remain at the University. A student on probation status is not considered in "good standing" at the University and eligibility to continue under scholarship or other financial aid programs, to participate in extracurricular activities, or to run for certain offices may be affected. A student placed on academic probation will be limited to taking 12.5 hours of course work and will remain on probation until the cumulative GPA equals or exceeds the standards set forth in the chart below.
A student who does not achieve the minimum cumulative grade point average for the
corresponding number of degree credits attempted is placed on academic probation.
Also, a student is placed on academic probation for failing to achieve a semester
grade point average corresponding to the cumulative grade point average required for
degree credits attempted, as set forth in the chart on page 55. A student placed on
academic probation will be limited to taking 12.5 credits. If a student achieves a
semester GPA of at least 2.0 but the cumulative GPA remains below the standard, the
student will remain on probation.
Degree Credits Attempted | 1-29 | 30-44 | 45 and above |
Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average | 1.70 | 1.80 | 2.00 |
Academic divisions may set higher standards for courses related to their majors.
Academic Suspensions: A student on academic probation will be suspended if, at the end of the probation semester, the cumulative GPA is below the standard in the above chart and the most recent semester's GPA is less than 2.0. A student on suspension may take up to six credits (6) during one semester with the intention of improving their grade point average. Students are advised to discuss their progress and academic difficulties with an academic advisor, seek tutoring or counseling, as needed. At the end of that semester, the student will be automatically reinstated on probation. If the student remains away for more than one regular semester, the student must reapply for admission. At the end of that semester the student will be automatically reinstated on probation. If the student remains away for more than one regular semester, the student must reapply for admission.
Academic Dismissal: When a suspended student returns, the student must maintain a grade point average of 2.00 for the semester of reinstatement. Failure to do so will result in academic dismissal, which will be permanent unless the student is readmitted under special consideration. A student who contests academic dismissal may appeal to the Provost, whose decision will be final.