Developing Sustainable Tropical Leguminous Cover Crop and Green Manure Mulch Systems
for Low-External-Input crop Production in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and
Stuart A. Weiss
Elide Valencia
Danielle D. Treadwell
Tropical smallholder farmers operating under low-external-input (LEI) conditions rely upon non-intensive on-farm or locally available inputs for agricultural production; however, such resources are limited in the tropics. Weeds are recognized as one of the top threats to sustainable crop production by farmers. Leguminous cover crops and green manures (CC/GM) used as surface mulch in minimum-till agroecosystems may improve soil quality and provide alternative weed management strategies.
Anticipated Outcomes and Benefits
This project hopes to develop alternative weed suppression strategies for tropical vegetable production that utilize cover crop residue as surface sheet mulch. The benefits of this system are the reduction or elimination of herbicides and mechanical weeding. Cover crop surface sheet mulch systems for vegetable production will be compared to other weed suppression practices such as plastic mulch and hay mulch.
University of the Virgin Islands
Agricultural Experiment Station
RR 1 Box 10,000
Kingshill, VI 00850
Telephone: (340) 692-4020 Fax: (340) 692-4035