1. To extend all SOA CES programs to the various ethnic and socio-economic groups
in the territory.
2. To extend all SOA CES programs to new emerging or unreached clientele within all
the U.S. Virgin Islands.
3. To enable all potential clientele/stakeholders to benefit from SOA CES programs
by making necessary adjustments to program schedules and content.
4. To ensure that membership on planning and advisory committees reflect the composition
of the Virgin Islands community.
5. To publicize programs to the Virgin Islands community through various mass media
1. All SOA CES activities, such as seminars, shortcourses, workshops, demonstrations,
etc., will be advertised in all the local newspapers, and various radio and television
stations serving the islands, and social media.
2. Newsletters and publications, relating to SOA CES programs, will be sent to all
SOA CES clientele/stakeholders, interested groups and other minority associations.
3. Some SOA CES seminars, shortcourses, workshops, demonstrations, etc., will be held
primarily in the evenings, Saturdays and Sundays to accommodate clientele needs.
4. SOA CES educational programs will be adjusted to meet clientele/stakeholders with
special needs.
5. Efforts will be made to increase the membership of under-represented racial/ethnic
minority group members in structured 4-H youth and family community clubs and special
interests/study groups.
6. Emphasis will be placed in increasing the participation of under-represented groups
serving on program planning and advisory committees.
7. Members will be elected to advisory and planning groups to reflect racial composition
of the community.
1. All SOA CES lettterheads will display the following: UVI School of Agriculture
is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
2. All offices and other facilities used by SOA CES in serving the public will publicly
display the “And Justice for All” poster.
3. All groups associated with the SOA CES will be provided with communication informing
them of the nondiscriminatory provisions of SOA CES.
4. All public materials will convey the message of equal opportunity, using appropriate
photos, graphics and statements.
5. Announcements of all programs conducted by SOA CES will be posted in public places,
provided to organizations, and posted at a variety of businesses which are frequented
by members of all racial groups.
6. Mass media, including radio and television stations, newspapers and social media,
will be used to inform potential beneficiaries of the SOA CES programs and the opportunities
for participation. Media outlets, which are directed to reach minority and other under-served
groups will be included.
7. SOA CES will use sex-neutral language in the elimination, among others, of sex
discrimination, sex bias, sex stereotype language from materials used in its educational
1. To familiarize all SOA CES employees with local and federal civil rights laws,
rules and regulations.
2. To provide orientation to new employees regarding civil rights laws, rules and
3. To conduct annual civil rights seminars and training for all employees.
4. To provide training for the EEO officer to effectively enforce civil rights requirements.
1. An annual civil rights training will be conducted for all SOA CES personnel at
all levels of classifications.
2. SOA CES will conduct civil rights training for new employees and provide orientation
to new employees with familiarity of the University’s Human Resources Policy.
3. SOA CES will conduct civil rights training for effectively dealing with the growing
diversity in communities and among actual and potential clientele/stakeholders.
1. To ensure that civil rights/equal employment laws and regulations are being complied
with at the St. Croix and St. Thomas/St. John districts of the SOA CES.
2. To ensure that SOA CES outreach programs are available to all without regard to
race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry),
disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its
activities or operations.
3. To ensure that SOA CES programs are communicated in such a way that they convey
nondiscriminatory images.
4. To increase awareness of managerial responsibilities.
5. To improve understanding and importance of the need for documentation.
6. To provide the basis for improving personnel and program management, and provide
data to measure progress.
7. To identify areas where the territory’s district offices can strengthen its civil
rights and affirmative action efforts.
1. An annual compliance review will be conducted at the St. Croix and St. Thomas district
offices of UVI SOA to ensure that civil rights/EEO rules and regulations are being
complied with.
2. List of clientele/stakeholders will be provided to verify racial/ethnic status
of program participants, and ensure that participants represent potential clientele/stakeholders.
3. An employment and salary review will be conducted every two years to assure that
women and minority group employees receive appropriate consideration for awards and/or
1. To ensure that equal opportunity is available to all employees to enhance skills
to perform at highest potential and to advance in accordance with abilities and qualifications.
2. To enhance equal opportunity for under-utilized and under-represented employees
and applicants of all race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age,
national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military
3. To remove all employment barriers to equitable hiring, promotion, training, and
separation rates for protected groups.
4. To provide training for the SOA CES EEO officer to effectively enforce EEO requirements.
5. To ensure that recruitment activities are designed to reach, attract and employ
candidates for all positions for minority, as well as majority group members of the
6. To assure fullest possible utilization of skills of SOA CES employees.
1. The EEO officer will ensure that EEO rules and regulations are adhered to in all
aspects of SOA CES programs and employment.
2. Employment data will be reviewed for setting employment goals.
3. The EEO Officer will conduct annual training where SOA CES EEO programs will be
4. All recruitment activities for SOA CES positions will be designed to reach and
attract candidates from minority and majority groups.
5. An employee skills utilization survey will be conducted every two years to determine
those with under-utilized or non-utilized job skills, experience and potential.
6. All SOA CES employees will be provided with prompt, fair and impartial processing
of complaints of discrimination and EEO counselling.
100% data collection method will be utilized.
UVI Sexual Harassment Reporting Form for Faculty & Staff
UVI Sexual Harassment Policy Forum
UVI Sexual Misconduct Policy 2015
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Titles I and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Executive Order 13166 - Limited English Proficiency
Personnel Review Committee Guidelines
Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
UVI Sexual Harassment Process (Diagram)
USVI Code Title 10 - Civil Rights Chapter 5 - Virgin Islands Civil Rights Commission
USVI Code Title 14 - Crimes Chapter 85 - Rape and Related Offenses
USVI Code Title 24 - Labor Chapter 17 - Discrimination in Employment
Reporting CES Direct Educational Contacts Guidelines
Usman Adamu, PhD
Dean and Director
School of Agriculture
University of the Virgin Islands
Albert A. Sheen Campus
RR1, Box 10000
Kingshill, VI 00850-9781
Stafford M. A. Crossman
Associate Director
School of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
Albert A. Sheen Campus
RR1, Box 10000
Kingshill, VI 00850-9781
Raquel Silver
Assistant Director for Fiscal and Personnel Affairs and EEO Officer
School of Agriculture
Albert A. Sheen Campus
RR1, Box 10000
Kingshill, VI 00850-9781