Hear from the experts what employers are looking for in employees. You get the opportunity
to participate in interactive, meaningful workshop sessions facilitated by career
counselors, human resources professionals, even company CEO's as they shed light on
workplace expectations, and help you develop skills and competencies to help you compete
for jobs in today's demanding work environments.. Workshops on various topics including,
resume and cover letter development, interviewing tips, workplace ethics guidelines,
professional etiquette tips, and networking strategies.
A workshop schedule is available each semester.
Career Exploration | Through self-exploration this workshop helps you identify possible career goals. |
Effective Cover Letters | The cover letter introduces your resume. Learn helpful tips for writing effective cover letters |
Enhancing Your Resume | Learn how to develop a clear, well-organized, dynamic resume. |
Graduate School Search | So you're going to grad school? Discover strategies and effective techniques to focus your search on a graduate/professional school that's right for you. |
Interviewing Strategies | Learn about the attributes that employers are seeking. |
Resume Development | Looking for a job? Well, you need a resume. This workshop will help you get started. |