"Who's Who" is a nationally recognized award. Over 2,300 college and universities
in the U.S. select outstanding students to be named for this award. Generally, seniors
are selected based on leadership ability displayed in the areas of scholastic aptitude,
community service, and extracurricular activities. Students selected for "Who's Who"
receive special reference services for post graduate employment or admissions to graduate
school and much more!
Who Qualifies?
Where to apply?
Eligible students are invited to apply for Who's Who via a letter or e-mail announcements.
Students interested in applying can pick up an application at Counseling Services,
a Division of Student Affairs, on both campuses. You may also download an application
from (see attachment).
Interested individuals may obtain more information from www.whoswhoamongstudents.com or by contacting:
St. Croix Campus:
Mrs. Patricia Towal Phone: (340) 692-4187 E-mail: ptowal@uvi.edu |
Ms. Lord (340) 692-4180 Phone: (340) 692-4187 E-Mail: alord@uvi.edu |
St. Thomas Campus:
Ms. Dahlia Stridiron Phone: (340) 693-1136 E-Mail: dstridi@uvi.edu |
Ms. Melissa Williams Phone: (340)693-1134 E-mail: mwillia5@uvi.edu |