The University of the Virgin Islands Parking Advisory Committee (UPAC) was charged by President David Hall to develop and implement a comprehensive parking plan. The University of the Virgin Islands Parking Advisory Committee is comprised of members from Campus Operations, Security, Physical Plant, Student Affairs, Human Resources, Faculty, Staff and Student Representatives. The University of the Virgin Islands Board of Trustees (BOT) approved the parking plan in June 2013. The University Parking Plan will be administered by the Security Department.
Objectives of the Parking Program:
Parking Plan Documents
Contact Information
St. Thomas Campus Security Department Penha House #2 John Brewers Bay St. Thomas, VI 00802 Telephone: 340.693.1530 Fax: 340.693.1539 |
Albert A. Sheen Campus Security Department RR#1 Box 10000 Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00850 Telephone: 340.692.4261 Fax: 340.692.4138 |