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Admission Guidelines for New Freshman

Freshman learning their first semester.

A candidate for admission from the United States Virgin Islands, the United States or United States-oriented educational systems must have achieved at least a "C" average (2.00 on a 4.00 scale) by the end of the junior year of high school and be maintaining at least a "C" cumulative average during the senior year. In general, the basic curriculum requirement for admission is

  • four years of high school English
  • three years of mathematics,
  • three years of science,
  • three years of social science, and
  • two years of foreign language (preferably in the same language). 

Applicants who are home schooled are welcome to apply for admission to the University of the Virgin Islands. The Admissions Office requires evidence of successful academic preparation, completion and proficiency. The University recognizes home-schooled students whose programs are certified and approved by their state, as required. Home school programs may also be recognized by national accrediting bodies, such as the American Council on Education (ACE), the United States Department of Education (USDOE), or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

The University also recognizes non-traditional education experiences, including distance education, online courses, and alternative schooling programs approved by nationally or internationally recognized certifying entities. Such entities include American Counsel and Education (ACE), the U.S.Department of Education (USDOE), Counsel for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), or institutions officially recognized within their national systems. Credentials, official transcripts, or their equivalent must be provided as evidence of successful completion and academic preparation. Some applicants may be asked to submit additional information, including syllabi, recommendations, and course descriptions, especially if seeking transfer credit.

Students should submit completed application packages by the stated deadline, to include:

  • the application,
  • official high school transcripts, and
  • SAT or ACT scores (optional).

To send in your official electronic high school transcript you may request to have your record sent to The electronic transcript must be sent directly from the registrar/ school official of your school, through Parchment Services, National Student Clearinghouse, etc. Transcripts received via regular email are considered unofficial and will not be processed.

To apply as a Freshman, click here and for transfer applicants click here. Applicants should apply for admissions by April 30th for fall semester classes and by October 30th for the spring semester. Following a favorable decision on an application, the applicant will be notified to confirm his or her intent to enroll by making a non-refundable enrollment deposit of $100.00 towards the tuition costs for the upcoming semester.