UVI's Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE)
- promotes support for developing careers in biomedical applications.
- is a national program funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through the
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) Division of Training, Workforce
Development, and Diversity (TWD).
- is administered by program director Alice Stanford.
- supports scholars interested in a career in biomedical research.
- Click here to learn more about UVI's RISE grant.
- Work of up to 15 hrs/week paid at a rate of $15/hr during the academic year
- Work with the mentor on research project; supplies provided
- Special workshops and help in applying to graduate schools, special summer programs, etc.
- Funding to work with off-island mentors during the summer
- Travel to scientific meetings. Present at the ABRCMS conference.
- UVI's 2021 ABRCMS Winners: UVI undergraduates Ariana Athanase (Psychology) and Esonica Charles (Biology) won
awards at this national research conference in Nov, 2021. Congratulations Esonica & Ariana!

Alice Stanford, PhD
Director of RISE Program
College of Science and Mathematics
University of the Virgin Islands
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: 340-693-1242
Email: astanfo@uvi.edu
STEM research programs at UVI (including RISE and others) are managed by the Emerging
Caribbean Scientists (ECS) Program. ECS offers ONE convenient application (available
on the ECS Homepage) for students interested in being considered for these exceptional opportunities.
The online application form and all supporting materials are due each year on February 28th.