Our center provides "Student Success and Development" Workshops every semester which introduces tools and strategies for obtaining and increasing students' chances of achieving success and maintaining a positive academic standing. Our student success specialists inform students of the various types of academic status (good standing, probation, suspension, or dismissal), explanations and implications of their current academic status and strategies for obtaining good standing while working to obtain or maintain the status of master students.
English Proficiency Exam (EPE)
Provides test taking strategies while reviewing basic writing and grammar skills in preparation for this exam.
Study Skills
Gain tips and learn strategies on a variety of learning and study habits.
Time Management
Learn how to increase productivity, reduce stress and improve your overall academic results.
Opportunities and Rewards at UVI
Find out about all the great opportunities you have at UVI.
Causes and Consequences of Failure in College
Identify reasons for students failing college and what students can do to avoid falling into these traps.
Academic Advising
How to find out who your academic advisor is, how to contact them, and how to make the most of your advising relationship.
EAB/Bucsconnect Software
How to navigate the new online tool to view your schedule, schedule an appointment with a tutor or advisor, communicate with instructors, and more.
To request a workshop or find out more information about existing workshops, please contact Ms. Julie Cruz on the St. Thomas Campus, at 340-693-1338 or jcruz2@uvi.edu, or Dr. Maria Fleming on the Albert A. Sheen Campus, St. Croix, at 340-692-4183 or mflemin@uvi.edu.