The Higher Education Act of 1965 mandates the dissemination of a wide range of policies and student outcomes data to parents, staff members, and prospective and enrolled students. Congress updated the HEA in 1990 with the Student Right-To-Know (SRTK) and Campus Security Act, which required institutions receiving Title IV funding to disclose additional information. Specifically, upon admission, campuses were required to calculate the completion or graduation rates of full-time, certificate- or degree-seeking students.

Additionally, schools that award athletic aid and receive Title IV funding are required to disclose to parents, coaches, and prospective student-athletes the average completion and graduation rates for the last four years, as well as the student success outcomes for all students and student-athletes by gender, race/ethnicity, and sport. Please visit, the website of the National Center for Education Statistics, to find out more about UVI's responsibilities under the HEA and SRTK.

Student Outcomes


The six-year graduation rate measures the percentage of first-time, full-time Bachelor-seeking  students who complete their program at UVI within six years.

Fall 2017 Fall 2016 Fall 2015 Fall 2014
Men 20 24 21 26
Women 34 26 38 31
Total (Men and Women) 28 26 32 29
U.S. NonResident 28 0 29 50
Hispanic/Latino 30 16 27 34
American Indian or Alaska Native     0 0
Asian 50 0 0 100
Black of African American 27 26 33 27
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0      
White 45 31 30 29
Two or more races 100 33 100 100
Race and ethnicity unknown 9 40 35 35

The retention rates quantify the proportion of first-time, full-time bachelors students who reenroll at the University of the Virgin Islands in the subsequent fall term.

Retention Rates Fall 2023 Fall 2022 Fall 2021 Fall 2020 Fall 2019 Fall 2018 Fall 2017
Overall 69% 76% 66% 63% 63% 66% 77%
Women 70% 76% 67% 64% 65% 70% 77%
Men 65% 78% 63% 60% 58% 43% 76%
  • Transfer-out Rates - UVI is not a Transfer Out institution

  • Transfer-out Rates for Students Receiving Athletically Related Student Aid - UVI is not a Transfer Out institution

Financial Literacy


Financial Literacy Guidance from Federal Student Aid  

The Financial Literacy Guidance from Federal Student Aid t is designed to help counselors and mentors assist postsecondary students in developing the skills necessary to make informed financial decisions, in particular with regard to the student loan process.  

Student Financial Assistance


Cost of Attendance

Loan Information

Tuition and Fees

UVI Free Tuition

Health and Safety


Other Important Information

Other Important Information and Policies

The transfer of academic credit to the university is described in the Undergraduate Catalog and Graduate Bulletin (Admissions)

Student Handbook

  1. School of Nursing
  2. School of Business
  3. School of Education - AAQEP Annual Report
  4. College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
  5. College of Science and Mathematics
  6. School of Agriculture

Careers Services


Accreditation, Affiliations and Articulation Agreements

The University of the Virgin Islands is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

MSCHE: 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, Phone: 215-662-5606. The Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation.

State Contact Information Regarding Filling of Complaints


The University of the Virgin Islands is accredited by The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, Phone: 215-662-5606

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE or the Commission) provides opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and members of the public to submit information regarding the qualifications for accreditation of its member institutions. The Commission also provides an opportunity for any individual or entity to submit information regarding the Commission’s compliance with its own policies and procedures as well as requirements for federal recognition or the recognition criteria of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

Inquiries related to this accreditation or complaints against the commission or its accredited institutions can be directed to:

The University of the Virgin Islands is licensed to operate as an institution of higher education in the Virgin Islands of the United States.

The University of the Virgin Islands is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), which grants authorization through the four regional education compacts to deliver distance education courses and programs. The University of the Virgin Islands is affiliated through the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). To see if your state is also a member, which would allow you to enroll in UVI’s distance education programs, visit the NC-SARA website.

Students are encouraged to utilize the University's internal complaint or review policies and procedures prior to filing a complaint with a state agency. For access to the contact information from each state in which a complaint may be filed, be directed to:

Information Systems and Technology Policy

The University of the Virgin Islands has invested institutional resources, both monetary and human, to provide the electronic resources needed for University stakeholders to perform the business of the University. The very nature and expense of these resources make them both valuable and limited and a privilege granted to University stakeholders.

With this privilege, the University imposes the necessary obligations and responsibilities upon its stakeholders. The University is endowing all of these stakeholders with the overall responsibility to maximize the resources and use them in an ethical and efficient way consistent with University policies and contracts, and territorial and federal laws. The University makes resources available to its campuses, its instructional sites and to stakeholders remotely in the expectation that these resources will be used for the purpose of performing University business in the process of achieving the mission and vision of the University. The University accepts the reality that personal calls or emails may be received and/or sent.

Click here to access the UVI Acceptable Use Policy

Privacy Rights of Students and Parents - FERPA Regulations

Directory information will be treated as public information and generally will be available on all students and former students at the discretion of the University. It may include the student's name, address, e-mail address, date of birth, major field of study, height, weight, age, hometown, hobbies, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, membership of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degree applied for or received, honors and awards received and previous education institutions attended.