In alignment with the guidelines prescribed by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF), funding has been set aside to provide Premium Pay to eligible public sector workers. These funds are intended to respond to workers performing essential work during the COVID-19 public health emergency by providing Premium Pay to those workers who were both needed to maintain continuity of operations of essential services and unable to perform their duties remotely. Premium Pay is designed to compensate workers that, by virtue of their employment, were forced to take on additional burdens and faced a higher risk of exposure as a result. Premium Pay may be thought of as hazard pay by another name.
To find out if you qualify visit - Follow the instructions and fill out the form by Oct. 26.
Q1. What are the eligibility criteria for receipt of Premium Pay?
Eligible workers will receive a payment determined by the performance of “essential work,” length of time worked, and salary. For all government workers, employee eligibility is to be determined in collaboration with Agency Heads and HR offices. Agency Heads and HR are asked to classify employees into a Premium Pay category for final eligibility and payments to be determined.
Q2. How are the payment criteria determined?
The USVI program provides either $2,000, $1,500, or $500 premium payment to eligible workers depending on the volume of essential work performed and the salary threshold
Q3. What are the criteria for ineligibility?
Q4. How will I receive the payment?
The Office of Management and Budget will mail a check to the address affixed on the W9 form.