During the University of the Virgin Islands Board of Trustees regularly scheduled meeting on Saturday, the Board approved an amendment to eliminate the COVID-19 Policy that requires students living in the residence halls to be vaccinated for the Coronavirus.
Based on a study of the University's peer institutions nationally, it was clear that these institutions are moving away from vaccination requirements in residence halls. Additionally, the Territory has had a very low incidence of COVID-19 and there have been no reports of students in general population testing positive. The Board accepted the adminstration's request to make this change,which will first affect students in summer programs and this fall.
For more information, contact Dr. Leslyn Tonge at leslyn.tonge@uvi.edu.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the University has taken actions to create a safe living, learning and working environment. Universities are taking different approaches to this situation, including some that are requiring all students and employees to be vaccinated. UVI has not chosen this approach and has decided to focus on the most vulnerable situation. However, the role of vaccinations for all students and employees will be reconsidered as time and information evolve.