Dear UVI Community:
As many of you are aware, during the March 14th Government House Weekly Press Briefing, Governor Albert Bryan Jr. announced changes to the U.S. Virgin Islands indoor mask mandate. In case you missed it, he advised that face coverings are no longer required indoors at commercial or VI Government establishments, with the following notable exceptions: indoor and outdoor areas at ports of entry; indoor and outdoor areas at public, private and parochial schools (PreK-12); and at all hospitals, nursing homes, and healthcare facilities. The Governor also previously dropped the outdoor mask requirements, except for the aforementioned areas. Please find more information directly from the VI Government at
As a result of the above announcement, and in consultation with the leadership of the UVI Board of Trustees, UVI will also immediately comply with these changes and the mask requirements on our campuses are also lifted. Because the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, we agree with our local health experts' recommendations that wearing a mask is a personal choice that remains an effective barrier against spreading the airborne virus, and individuals who feel comfortable doing so are free to continue do so. There are however no changes to the Board mandated vaccination requirement.
We remain hopeful that the world is closer to the COVID-19 virus becoming more endemic. I encourage everyone to remain vigilant and if you haven’t done so already, please get the COVID-19 vaccine and booster, as applicable.
David Hall
Dear UVI Community:
I hope everyone is doing well as this new year unfolds. In my last COVID announcement, I indicated that we would resume in-person classes this Monday, January 24th, depending on the conditions in the Territory and the Governor’s announcements. As you may be aware, Governor Bryan has authorized the resumption of in-person instruction for public schools on Monday, January 24th. He is also making COVID testing a part of this process.
Based on conversations with the Department of Health (DOH), I think UVI should make testing an additional part of our resumption of in-person classes. Therefore, in addition to being vaccinated, we will implement plans to test students who are permitted to attend in-person classes and all employees. To allow for this, we will delay in-person classes until Monday, January 31st. I am encouraging everyone to be tested immediately (2 days) before the start of in-person classes. We are exploring with DOH how they can assist us in administering tests on campus. You will also be able to go to DOH testing sites, and I will share more information about the location and process early next week. If your test results are positive, you should not attend in-person classes or come to work. Those classes that were scheduled to be in-person or hybrid should follow that approach starting on Monday, January 31st, and those that were scheduled to be remote should remain in that format. For classes that need an exemption in order to begin in-person instruction prior to Monday, January 31st, faculty should indicate to the respective Dean the reasons for the request, along with the proposed protocol. Students in those classes should be informed of this plan by the instructor for the course.
The University has also obtained a limited supply of NK95 and N95 masks, which are considered the preferred mask by leading experts. We will make them available for students and employees next week, and I encourage you to use this model in the future.
Thanks for your continued understanding, support, and patience as we adjust to this challenging situation. Please keep your spirits and faith high. Together we will overcome this challenge as we have overcome so many in the past.
David Hall
Dear UVI Community:
I hope you are well and remaining safe. In my message last week wherein I updated you on the COVID situation in the Territory, I indicated that “classes on January 10th will operate as scheduled unless the Governor extends his request.” The Governor has extended his request until the 24th , therefore based on input from our academic leaders, our classes, like the public schools, will operate remotely until January 24th. The exception to this change is the Nursing Clinicals at the Hospitals that start on January 17th and must be in-person. The Administration, with input from the faculty and academic leaders, will reassess this approach prior to the 24th and make an informed decision about resuming in-person courses.
Like other government agencies, the University will operate in-person starting January 10th. Employees should report to work, but should use the utmost caution, and follow our existing COVID protocols. I again encourage everyone to receive a booster shot if you have not done so. If employees have tested positive for COVID recently, they should not return to work until they have tested negative.
I regret that this situation is so fluid and uncertain. We will continue to monitor what is occurring in the Virgin Islands and nationally, and keep you informed. The health and safety of this community is a high priority and will remain so as long as this virus is in our midst.
David Hall
Dear UVI Family:
I hope you and your families are having a blessed and restful holiday season. As you are aware, there has been a significant increase in the number of COVID cases in the Virgin Islands. In response to this development, Governor Bryan has requested that government agencies work remotely until January 10th. The University will follow the Governor’s request and I am hereby informing the UVI Community that we will operate remotely next week, which is our first week back after the holiday break. Essential workers should report to work, and those associated with our residence halls or provide services to resident hall students should also report to work. Students will be permitted to move into the residence halls next week as planned, but they can delay their arrival if they choose to do so, but must be prepared to attend classes on January 10th. All resident hall students must be fully vaccinated and tested upon arrival to campus. There are other protocols that must also be followed. Classes on January 10th will operate as scheduled unless the Governor extends his request. Faculty members who were assigned in-person classes should be available to teach in person.
It is important that we continue to remain safe during this challenging period. Though not required, I am strongly encouraging those who have not yet received their booster shot to do so. Of course, those students who are still not vaccinated I encourage you to do so. As this last surge demonstrates, COVID will be with us for the foreseeable future and we need to do whatever we can to keep ourselves and others safe.
We will be updating our COVID protocols to align with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, especially in regards to quarantine periods, and working closely with the VI Department of Health as we have done in the past.
May you enjoy the rest of the holidays and may we be blessed to have a prosperous and safe New Year.
David Hall
Dear Students:
As I indicated in my last communication with you, students who had unusual and compelling financial losses or hardships due to COVID-19, can submit a request, with documentation, and be eligible for special support. This is a part of our Comprehensive Financial Support Student Initiative.
Please use the below link to apply. These funds are limited and will only be awarded if genuine increased expenditures and hardships can be demonstrated and documented. The application period will remain open through October 10, 2021. A Committee will review all requests and make final decisions. We anticipate making announcement of the awards no later than October 31, 2021.
Please note that some examples of an unusual and compelling financial loss or hardship would be the loss of a job due to COVID-19 that the student planned to use to pay tuition or other costs of attendance; unusual medical expenditures related to the pandemic; documented housing expenditures because a student was unable to live at home due to the pandemic; increased childcare expenses as a result of remote learning; learning tools or equipment needed for persistence in class, etc..
Should you have any questions, please contact I trust that you will be able to take advantage of this additional support available to students.
David Hall
Dear UVI Community:
As you may be aware, the Board of Trustees met on Saturday, June 19th, and one of the major decisions it had to make related to our COVID-19 policies. After much discussion and debate, and in consultation with the Virgin Islands Department of Health, the Board of Trustees voted on Saturday to institute mandatory vaccinations for all students and employees. This decision was made based on what the Board felt was in the best interest of the entire UVI Community. This is also a national trend wherein approximately 500 universities and colleges have also embraced mandatory vaccinations in one form or another. The policy does include any legally recognized exceptions. In addition, for Eastern Caribbean students who do not have ready access to the vaccines, they will be provided their first shot upon arrival and will have to commit to regular testing until they are fully vaccinated.
The effective dates for compliance with the mandatory vaccination requirement are as follows:
If compliance does not occur by the deadline, then employment for staff and faculty will be adversely affected, and for students attendance at in-person classes will be prohibited. The online courses and degrees that are part of our normal online degree program will remain available for those who choose that form of education. There are a limited number of courses that will be offered in a “hybrid” format so that some remote learning will be possible. However, the University does not have the resources to make every course or degree program available remotely. Please visit our online degree course listing on the website to see those degrees and courses that will be available online this Fall. As the only institution of higher education in the Territory, the University’s mission is to make education accessible to Virgin Islanders. Yet it also has a responsibility to create a safe environment for students and employees. The Board is striving through this policy to be respectful of both values.
I know this decision by the Board will be applauded by some in the University community and viewed as an infringement of personal freedom by others. Regardless of how our views differ, we must respect each other’s views and each other. We must also comply with this policy. The University, in conjunction with the Department of Health, will provide in the near future the method and procedure for verification of compliance with the policy. The University’s legal counsel will share the list of recognized exceptions to the policy in the near future.
COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on this nation and the world. This virus can be fatal and we have seen those consequences. Though there are numerous ways in which individuals can protect themselves from the virus, the best scientific evidence demonstrates that the various vaccines are the best protection for individuals and communities.
This was a difficult decision for the Board and all views were shared with them. Though all views can’t be adopted, we will continue to move forward together as a University and an enlightened people.
David Hall
Dear UVI Community:
As you are aware, the Board of Trustees authorized the Administration this past July to delay the implementation of the on-campus Fall 2020 Plan which included resuming in-person academic instruction, utilizing a mixed modality approach, and on-campus residence living and work. This decision was based on the increasing COVID-19 positivity rate in the Territory. At the time the decision was made to postpone the on-campus plan, there were over 145 active cases in the Territory. The number of active cases grew to a reported high of 273 active cases on August 20th and around the start of the Fall semester. This spike eventually led to a Stay at Home Order. The Administration has continued to monitor the conditions in the Territory and the various Executive Orders issued by the Governor. As a result of the improvement in overall conditions in the Territory, it is our intention to implement the previous plan in the Spring 2021 semester effective January 4, 2021.
Please find below the draft Spring Plan which includes some important revisions from the originally issued one earlier this Fall.
Although there is a spike in the number of cases across the US, the situation in the Territory seems to have stabilized. Furthermore, the Plan includes numerous precautions taking into consideration the realities of the uncertain times in which we live. We encourage everyone to review the Spring 2021 Plan and become familiarized with the various sections. A Town Hall Meeting will be convened next Friday, November 6th to review the plan with the UVI Community. The meeting will provide pertinent updates and address any questions you may have about the plan.
As always, the health and safety of our students and employees are paramount and this plan strives to take that into account as we endeavor to achieve our mission as an institution of higher education. We will provide additional updates on the planned November 6th Town Hall Meeting and hope you will join us to learn more about the plans for Spring 2021.
David Hall
Dear UVI Community:
I trust this message finds each of you well and enjoying your summer albeit in these interesting times. I am sharing with you the below important update in regards to our plans for the Fall. The Administration submitted a recommendation to the Board, which was approved, to delay the implementation of the Fall on-campus plan. I would like to thank the Cabinet and our shared governance leaders for their input and quick turnaround so that we could collectively and thoughtfully update our plans.
Thank you for your support and we will be following-up shortly with more information.
David Hall
Dear UVI Community:
Today marks the end of the first week that all instructions, meetings and activities of the University of the Virgin Islands have been conducted online or through some digital format.
This has never been done before in the history of UVI, and it is a moment that we should not allow to slip pass us without some recognition.
I want to thank our students, faculty and staff for your flexibility, creativity and patience. This transition has been enormous and it would not have occurred without each of you contributing to our success.
I continue to be inspired and impressed by the resiliency and determination of this community. Each time a challenge arises, you rise to meet it, and transform perceived limitations.
I’m sure this first week has not been perfect, but our commitment to the mission of UVI and to the people we serve will make up for our any technology or resource glitches we may have experienced.
I want to especially thank our online staff, led by Ameeta Jadav, and our ITS area led by VP Sharlene Harris, for creating the platforms upon which we now operate, and guiding us through the process.
This journey is just beginning, and there is still so much for us to accomplish in the midst of this pandemic. Yet, I have no doubt that we will reach our goals, and exceed our own expectations.
Congratulations on this first week, and continue to take extremely good care of yourself, and your family, as we move forward.
Remain Safe and Remain Inspired!!!!
David Hall
University of the Virgin Islands
Dear UVI Community:
As the Coronavirus continues to alter our way of living and working, the University has to adapt as well. In addition to the plan I shared with you last Friday, there is a need to provide students and employees with more specific guidelines and guidance in regards to how the University will operate during this crisis. Numerous individuals have been working hard and creatively to develop a different approach for us to fulfill our mission and yet remain safe. Attached is a document entitled “Flattening the Curve, but not Curbing our Enthusiasm and Creativity.” Please carefully review it and be guided by its content. I plan to convene a “Virtual Town Hall” meeting on Friday so you can ask questions and raise concerns in regards to these guidelines. More details about the Town Hall will be shared soon.
Thanks for your positive spirit, unrelenting determination, and collective support during this challenging time. I know, without a doubt, that we will come out of this challenge better and more creative.
David Hall
University of the Virgin Islands
Dear UVI Community:
The University has been closely monitoring the developments of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The health, safety and well-being of our UVI Community, on and off campus, is our top priority. At this time, there is no indication that the UVI campuses are affected but contingency planning is well underway to mitigate the possibility of the spread of the virus.
In light of the evolving coronavirus pandemic in the US and globally, out of an abundance of caution and care for our UVI Community members, some of whom may be in high-risk groups, the University has developed the following immediate plans:
Effective immediately, UVI will extend Spring Break for students until Sunday, March 22, 2020, and transition to online learning for all graduate and undergraduate classes on Monday, March 23, 2020.
During this time, our faculty and instructional designers will finalize preparations for the switch to a virtual course delivery model. Accordingly, all in-person and videoconference classes are suspended. The University will continue its Spring academic semester, albeit the instructional delivery will change and classes will resume via online instruction only beginning on Monday, March 23.
We did not make these decisions lightly but feel that this is the most prudent course of action at this time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization have emphasized the importance of taking active measures to contain the spread of the virus in communities and mitigate the risk to vulnerable populations. Our actions are consistent with the recommendations of leading health officials on how to limit the spread of the virus and are also consistent with similar decisions made by a number of our peer institutions and other universities across the nation.
In this new world of social distancing, we will minimize large and other gatherings on campus. Accordingly, a number of events have already been cancelled including our upcoming Charter Day Ceremony (March 16) and Afternoon on the Green (March 22). Please look out for additional updates. We also understand that Commencement and end-of-semester activities are a special time for our graduates and their families. As of now, no decisions have been made to cancel Commencement which is on May 14 (STT) and May 15 (STX).
If you traveled during the past 14 days:
You are encouraged to contact the UVI Health Services Department on your campus and register the location(s) and dates of travel, including cruises.
Employee's Coronavirus Travel Log
Student's Coronavirus Travel Log
Travelers who are sick with fever, cough, or have trouble breathing, should stay home and call ahead before seeking medical care.
Please continue to look out for more updates and additional information will eventually be posted on the University’s website.
We recognize that this transition will be disruptive and ask for your continued patience and understanding as we address this unprecedented challenge and as developments occur. We recognize the tremendous anxiety our community is feeling right now but our UVI Community is a resilient one. We have weathered many storms before with fortitude, grace and compassion, albeit of a different nature. UVI is a special place and we will together overcome this challenge.
Please remain vigilant with your health and those around you.
David Hall
University of the Virgin Islands